Monday, December 3, 2012

A Writer's Way to "Rejoice Always"

During my the time I was supposed to be doing chemistry homework last night, I found myself occupied on the internet (which seems to happen every time I try to do homework!) However, this time rather than leaving my internet session with nothing but a Facebook status and a few good recipes on Pinterest, I came across a new way to worship that I just can't keep to myself!

It comes from this wonderful woman Ann Voskamp, a Canadian farmer's wife, blogger, and bestselling author of One Thousand Gifts, who takes rejoicing in the Lord to a whole new level by writing her way through each day by writing down all the ways God blesses her, even the most simple and seemingly mundane moments in her days.
Ann's Book: One Thousand Gifts

My inspiration today: Ann Voskamp

Being a writer who feels closest to God when I have the chance to express my prayers in writing, I have decided to adopt her methods for myself, and I can already see it making me a person more on fire with God's joy! Here's a sample of today's list so far:

I am grateful for the clouds in the sky that look like a painting.

I am grateful for the car ride to school because it is time I have to pray in perfect silence with my Savior.

I am grateful for maple syrup.

I am grateful for the snooze button and impromptu opportunities to rest.

I am grateful for my bright pink planner to keep me on track, but even more for my Bible to keep me together.

I am grateful for beautiful words available to me to praise You, like "Hallelujah!" and "Glory!" 

I am grateful for the natural glow of golden sunlight.

I am grateful for Brandi's [a girl who sits next to me in Psychology class] sweet and cheerful spirit.

I am grateful for painful memories to remind me of your saving grace, and how far removed you have made me from those times. 

If you find yourself most connected to God through writing, or are simply searching for a way to be drawn closer to him in rejoicing and praise, I urge you to try this! It's continuous and pressure-free-- it's just a habit for you to form by simply jotting down your thoughts of praise throughout the day.

Happy Writing!!

P.S.- Here is the video from "World Magazine" about Ann and her life story. It's quite inspirational.

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