Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Damsel in Distress

Sometimes His Word is strung together, woven perfect, tangled through careful reading and then elegantly tied into a bow,
and He made it that way, in this moment, for me, the huntress of grace, to see and be fed for a lifetime.

This connection, the south and north poles of the magnetic fields attracting me closer and closer to His truth click in my heart and soul and I know a newness from words read over and over.

Just one verse of a Psalm reveals it. One verse that I would've simply written off as King David's incessant whining and moaning, but light shines through it this day:

"Arise, O Jehovah, Confront him, cast him down: Deliver my soul from the wicked by the sword."
-Psalm 17:13 (ASV)

Am I the only woman of faith who has read these words and thought, 
"Okay, Lord. Arise! Defeat this affliction, might to save! Where are you? Are you here  yet? I'm waiting!"
 And so I assume my condition as a damsel in distress, waiting, waiting.

Wait a minute... I think as I read the last word of the beautiful Psalm, The sword... the sword... where have I read that before?

Ah yes, the double-edged sword   
The one otherwise known as the Word, cutting to the heart, overcoming the inner demons that stop us from defeating the outer ones. 

Deeper than that, daughter. The grace of quiet time is God gently leading to the answer, though so obvious to Him; guiding His rambunctious and distracted lamb like the magnificent shepherd He is, guiding her to the water.

The Word... Ah yes! The Word who was with God and was God.
And I re-meet the Word this morning. 
The Word who is the well-spring of life, 
the light gifted to mankind which darkness trembles in the face of,
the Word through which I was made, who is a part of me and I don't even recognize it,
The Word who did the unthinkable, so that I , the repugnant, ruthless orphan could call God Abba.
The Word who blesses one blessing after another after another, coming in fullness of grace and life and truth!

Hallelujiah for the Word. 

And on this morning I am freed from the chains of the lamenting and the curse of waiting and waiting and waiting I sentenced myself to.
In the Word I am no longer the underestimate-r. In the Word I recieve the fullness of grace and don't doubt it ever.

For He already came and arose and saved this damsel in distress from every distress, without exception.

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