Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Real Resolution

So the new year comes and I'm already procrastinating on picking the obligatory New Year's resolution. 

Procrastination muddies these purest dreams that God lays on my heart for the New Year, clean and glistening with promise like frost on a January morn. 

These ideas, convictions, they are all beaten down and burned up with the "You can't do that, you're only a college student," and the "That'll be terribly impractical, save yourself the trouble 'cause you'll surely fail," and the "That'll run you into the ground left miserable and empty, don't listen to God's promise, you can't really be filled by this."

No doubt that the Enemy attacks and means destruction when fullness of life has come triumphant into a willing heart that is graced with the lesson of learning to surrender more and more these days.

Goals and aspirations to serve and seek the glory of a Savior are vast and vibrant lately, more clear to me now and more fervently moving than they have ever been before as I prayed to the Lord if there was anything, anything at all that He would have me do for the New Year, or ever, for that matter.

These ideas for ministries, for ways to invest myself and my money and my time into eternity, these new priorities, new goals, a new determination to write regularly and purposefully for the Lord-- they are not plain as day yet, outlined and scheduled, calculated and prepared for seemless execution,
 but my faith tells me they will be in His perfect time.

And the scariest thing is, that if I'm being honest, these convictions, they are not new at all.
I've been barred by the lies when these secret convictions have arisen in the past, some of them have been done half way, some of them simply heard and neglected and not done at all.

Here's all I have to say to the lies that have barred me from all these ideas that I've quietly entertained:
I read it fresh this morning in Genesis 1 as I remember the day that the very Earth I walk upon, the very universe I dwell in, was spoken fresh by my Heavenly Father.

"In the beginning when God created the Universe, it was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the power of God was moving over the water. Then God commanded, 'Let there be light'-- and light appeared. God was pleased with what He saw." -Genesis 1:1-4a GNT

Here I see it: without God, these dreams, they are dry and desolate. 

It is not until God speaks that the raging waters are controlled and the darkness cannot help but disperse inevitably yielding to the powerful light of Gods mere spoken Word.

God's message here in this beginning is the victor amidst the muddled mind of fear and "Lord how will I do this," and "Lord you know I am a marvelous beginner of things, but a terrible finisher of things." He says, "I hold the power, abide in Me; let my Word move across the raging ocean, and I will be pleased."

And isn't that the only real worthy resolution? 
That the Lord I love would indeed be pleased?
What else is there, really?

And so I say without fear, but rather, eager excitement:

Welcome 2014,
Welcome seemingly impossible dreams,
Please, meet my Maker.

Darkness, doubt, and the lies that threaten to hinder: you don't stand a chance!

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