As I ran today, no ear-buds polluted my thoughts with shallow pop melodies or hardcore workout tunes.
No, instead, I let the silence be my soundtrack; I let God's sweet messages serenade my soul.
His golden light shone in my eyes, blinding them so that I might see the wonder of His impeccable work, His glorious creation. With each stride I sang His praises for everything imaginable: for the wildly colored leaves, for the satisfying crunch they yield beneath each step of my running shoes, for the goofy call of the geese as their formation flew overhead, for the invigorating chill that partnered a breeze which motivated me at my back and challenged me as my path opposed it.
I let His blessing surround me, unyielding. I let Him tell me how to love. I laid my dreams and goals and fears on His ears, and I listened for his whispering responses between my labored breaths.
I returned home and thought, Oh God, my best friend, I wish it could be this way all the time!
Then, louder than anything in the quiet of my spirit I felt him chuckle, Oh, my daughter, it can!
And it's beyond beautiful, beyond all perfection, that my God wants to talk to me this way.

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