I feel naked and foolish jotting down these exhausted letters crunched together into hollow words, trying to proclaim God's glory, as I've just laid eyes on a Psalm to splash me with truth and awaken me to a new day of mercy, a new day of grace:
"How clearly the sky reveals God's glory! How plainly it shows what he has done!
Each day announces it to the following day; each night repeats it to the next.
No speech or words are used, no sound is heard; yet their voice goes out to all the world, and is heard to the ends of the earth."
-Psalm 19:3-4a (GNT)
My notebook scribbles in love letters to a Savior, the clickety-clack of a keyboard that somehow delivers a blog post, the soothing utterances to a friend in need, the lyrics of a hymn flowing fresh, the rhythmic delectable lines of a poem, they are all God's gracious gifts without a doubt.
Yet in the silence of eyes closed and breeze caressing hair and flower fragrance tickling the olfactories and birdsong and leaves rustling, I can experience how God's dear expressions in the silence are masterpieces of their own.

Miraculous nature all around us seems to have this down to a science, made to do this from the dawn of their creation!
But wait a minute.... so were we!
Then I see the most fruitful, most lovely, most glory-drenched expressions flourish in the fruits of the Spirit.
Fruits of love as I give until it hurts, only sporting a silent smile as I allow the overflow of life abundant to spill.
Fruits of humility as I admit to my brokenness, my inadequacy, only to glow with the grace that heals and fixes and forgets the downfalls that once ruled over my heart.
Fruits of patience as I kneel at the level of that difficult child in the preschool class and delight in them as Christ delights in all of us unruly sinners.
Fruits of kindness as I do the uncomfortable, the out of the way, the uncharacteristic of me, and I bestow the taste of God's goodness somehow and a smile is made and a seed is planted in the heart.
All these declaring how great God is in the wordless perfect servitude. All these fruits of peace and comfort are wordless embracing us whole, and that wordless is powerful.
As I write these words, I pray that my wordless actions, the allowing a Spirit loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, and a multitude of other things, will bless others far greater than these ramblings.
For that is the real glory, the real goodness, the real joy.