the weight of my purpose was realized.
What is God's will for my life?
It's the battle cry of the college student,
the question echoing off the walls of the halls named after co-founders and contributors,
it's the frantic rhythm of keyboards completing assignments in the library,
it's the furrowed brow over coffee as two friends spill their uncertainties.
I live on a campus of people scrambling to answer this question with the declarations of majors and the projected path of careers and engagement rings placed on fingers and job applications and internships.
It's all a big game, I realized one day after a conversation that violently pried open eyes to a truth God was just dying to flood into a heart seeking Him.
Really, these things are not God's ultimate will for my life.
Really, these things are garbage if the ultimate will for my life and your life and all His children's lives is not the thing we're chasing after as avidly as the majors that will get us the jobs that will get us the dream houses and the perfect marriages.
Here it is, what God in His utterly mind-blowing grace showed me: God's will for my life is not to have some job, even if it is a full-time ministry. And God's will for my life is not to have a godly husband either. They may appear along the way, but these are not the answers to the questions about God' will for my life.
No, God's will for my life is to lift His name higher, to bring Him glory in every way.
That's it.
It's like this world is a great playground where all the things we worry our silly little human heads about are just apparatuses to climb on and props to play games with, but they are just the instruments for the grand plan:
to give the most Holy, most High, most magnificent God all the glory He deserves!
This will is so sweet, this will is so worth savoring and chasing after with a pursuit more passionate than any known before, because it is eternal. Because in Christ, we are eternal.
Why then, would His will be something that dies when we go from this Earth to be with Him?
No, His will is better than all those things. Those things are just the details, the side facts, the miniscule mentionings.
His will is to worship Him with a life where something great is made of Him and we dissolve into the background sweetly, with all joy and peace, as we raise up disciples and praise Him and build His eternal city.
I don't know about you, but that will sounds a lot better than a declared major, a job choice, or an engagement ring.

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